Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Batman v Superman: The Trailer we Deserved

Now we are talking ! DC had released the new trailer for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice on July 9th shortly after their Comic Con 2015 appearance and God, is it mighty. I shall place the video down below just in case you haven't seen. Firstly I must give credit where credit's due, thank you Zack Snyder for finally giving us some actual colours in the movie.

The trailer started with a bang, with Superman(Buff as ever Henry Cavill) going to an activist-filled senate hearing (headed by Holly Hunter as a Senator) for the people to know just what his standing is in the world. Is it just me or did I quite verbose inspirations in this treatment of Superman to Dr.Manhattan from Watchmen (another DC movie he directed) in the way he depicted the situation of a god-like being who is put under heavy scrutiny for good reasons. Speaking of good reasons, I would like to see the faces all the fans who mobbed over director Zack Snyder over Superman not saving people and pretty much laying metropolis to waste. I did not see that coming, using the Metropolis fight as a powder keg moment for the world to just erupt on this guy and for Superman to face consequences. It was a genius story move.

Anyway the next big reveal the trailer shown was that Bruce Wayne (Batman just in case you live in a cave) was actually present in the Metropolis disaster has he pretty much practically runs into all that mess without his Batsuit (so heroic) and we see the broken sign of the Wayne Financial building in the left-hand corner. First of all it is nice to see the that last fight from Man of Steel from literally a different perspective on the people at the ground, and as a result it does elevate the impact of all the destruction that took place. But what doesn't click with me is that people sending Wayne letters saying "You've let your family die !" , well it wasn't his fault was it ? I don't recall the time where the owner of the World Trade Centre got a letter accusing him of letting those people die in 9/11. I don't see how he could've stopped the whole Metropolis thing. So I don't buy that motivation for him to destroy Superman, unless if there is more to it. Zack Snyder's idea of treating both Gotham and Metropolis as sister cities is a nice touch and that Gotham was more of a lower end(society/crime wise) city than Metropolis. They seemed to hint on this to factor into the story somehow, maybe that would be our extra motivation. Maybe we could expect some tension between the citizens of both cities.

This trailer also gave us a really good taste of the new Batman, as Perry White(Laurence Fishburne) claims to be a 'one-man Reign of Terror'. I really like that analogy. And it shows how brutal this Bat-fleck will be as we can see the Bat-symbol branded on a guy's chest. It leaves us no question that this Batman is a darker/more serious one than his predecessors. Also during the Comic-Con panel Zack Snyder claimed that the Batman mech-suit is not an armour but a self-preservation suit that doesn't actually enhance any of Batman's strength, hmm. Of what glimpses we have seen of the Bat-cave, I'm really liking the design of it like a very high-tech garage, which also was in the Watchmen movie which basically proves that he was trying to pull-off a Batman with that Night-Owl suit. Also it happens to be beneath a derelict Wayne Manor(or so it seems), so is it possible that he maybe had taken hiatus like Dark Knight Returns and that this whole Superman fiasco brought him back to the suit. That Robin suit with the Joker reference does add evidence to that theory. Something really trivial I thought that in a scene in the trailer (2:34) I do not know why but Ben Affleck reminded me of Vincent D'nofrio as Wilson Fisk in the Netflix Daredevil series? There is also a brief appearance of Superman as Clark Kent trying to find and take on Batman to which Perry White argues that 'no one cares about Clark Kent taking on the Batman' a bit of foreshadowing there. Also I am really curious as to how this plot-line pans out

Plus Jeremy Irons (from looks alone) seems to be a very different Alfred then Micheal Cain's portrayal. He appears to be a little more stern and straightforward to Bruce while still serving to be his voice of reason. there is also a brief appearance of Jeffrey Dean Morgan (The Comedian from Watchmen) as Thomas Wayne...as he gets killed in crime alley but it looks to be a very stylised version of it which I'm curious to see

We also see Batman in a desert-outfit fighting what seems to be really deviant trigger-happy followers of Superman, of what it looks like even Superman does not approve.It is very reminiscent of the followers in hockey pads in The Dark Knight. Are they called the 'Red Capes' as Lex Luthor happens to say in the trailer?

Oh yeah, Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenberg) is in this trailer and I still don't buy him furthermore that
hairdo regardless if its a wig or not, looks silly. What many people feared also kinda happen that it still looks and sounds too Jesse Eisenberg and its a but hard to see him as Lex Luthor.  I don't know maybe I'm wrong and he happens to be awesome, we will have to see. However I did like that Luthor revelled in the whole Batman v Superman fight. And also there is a scene where he nearly happens to be caressing Superman as he is kneeling before Lex and looking very angry. Interesting.

Now we all remember when it was announced that Wonder-Woman was going to appear in the movie in a major role and that it felt shoe-horned in. It was reported that Wonder-Woman will play a sort of drug to propagate the formation of the Justice League. We do not see her much in this trailer but of what is seen is indicative of that she and Bruce Wayne will have a lot of, mingling so to speak. It seems that Wonder-Woman will serve as a Third-Party perspective in this fight, which can go either way. As for Gal Gadot in the casting, I can sort of see what Zack Snyder is going for in the terms of an elegant Amazonian warrior-princess but yes she doesn't exactly fit the physicality of Wonder Woman that has become pretty archetypical to the character. And also I would have liked for DC to do a modern-take on her outfit but since I do not know what her story will be in the movie per se, I will give the benefit of the doubt,

Not all of the trailer is just people talking, there is also some really great bare-knuckled brawls of fighting scene and they look quite spectacular as pretty much the 2 most famous superheroes fighting each other. To be specific there is really a provocative image when Superman breaks the Bat-mobile's roof and Batman just stands up to him, that gave me quite the chills. I trust cinematographer Larry Fong to do a good job since his previous films 300 and Watchmen (both directed by Snyder) had a really stylish look to them which translates well into comic book movies. My only concern remains is that there should be a good reason for these two giants to fight so it doesn't seem like a squabble and there is some real emotional weight to the fighting. Though again the fights as themselves really look to be a DC fan's wet dream. One thing I must admit though, some of the special effects still looks just a hair bit rubbery, but they could improve it by the time of release.

This trailer is superb it just gives us enough information we need to know to get super hyped and make us watch the movie, it just goes above and beyond in its awesomeness. It has a nice 'First Contact' story feel to it and the story seems to be super-grounded in reality. It serves as an awesome first real look at Bat-fleck and gave us enough of the fighting with jam packed story content. Also there is a brief appearance of  General Zod's body, will he factor into Doomsday's origin if he at all is in there? .I don't know but I do believe that Zack Snyder and DC are definitely holding their cards to the chest and we would have to see the movie to find out. 

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